Tribuna Israelita

Mensaje de Janucá para las comunidades judías del mundo. Reuven Rivlin, Presidente de Israel

Happy Chanukah


Happy Chanukah to all of you, in Israel and around the world.

At Chanukah, we celebrate the victory of the Maccabees.

We remember the miracles of that time. We come together as a family, and we light together the Menorah.

We sing together Maoz Tzur (צוּר מַעוֹז). Each verse reminds us of the enemies our people has faced, over our long history, and our strength as a community, as a people.

I have celebrated many Chanukhas and I remember nearly all of them; I love all of them; But this Chanukah is for sure a little different.

This has been a year with all kinds of challenges; we have all been dealing with the corona-virus pandemic.

We have lost loved ones; our schools, synagogues, and community centers have been closed; and we still face great uncertainty about the future.

The virus has forced us to stay apart, although in our hearts we feel closer than ever.

Channukah shows us that united we stand, together, we are strong.

May the lights of Chanukah, give us all strength, and bring light to all the Jewish people, wherever they are.

Happy Chanukah and Shalom from Jerusalem.

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